Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Life

I was walking this morning at 5am ( I know some might say I am crazy to do it at that hour) and I was walking my last part of my 5.1miles listening to my church CD and realized that I am so blessed.  Scout and I have had some problems with him having a job lately but I thought I have have food to eat, a place to live and I have some money coming in to cover my basic bills.  So maybe we don't have  a lot of money to go out to eat or just go shopping but we do have money to pay our car so Scout can look for jobs and visit family and friends.  I think so much that a lot of times we concentrate so much on the stuff we don't have that we forget about the blessings that we do have.  I know that I have been guilty of that more than once in the last few months.   I always tell Scout when you get a job we are going to feel rich because we have had so little of it lately, but now I look at my life and think:  "I am so not poor at all".  I have a awesome Heavenly Father who loves me, a wonderful husband who loves me, family and friends who love me and I have the blessing of a baby on the way to be part of my family.  I am not poor at all.  so I am making a goal that the next time I feel down about my situation I am determined to feel not poor. I know that as I really look at my life that the Lord will help me look at life totally different.

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