Saturday, June 4, 2011


So after 6months I have been pregnant I have realized finally that I don't have the energy I used to...LOL..I know some of you are just thinking DUH!!  But I promise it has taken me quite a while to figure that out. Those of you who know me very well know I am not a resting person.  I try to get up before the sun comes up to exercise and try to get everything that some people would do in three days into one.  But I have found in the last couple of weeks that I just can not do that.   So what have I done?? Well I have gone to the Lord and my husband for what to do.  And what has come out of it?? I have cut exercise all together on Saturday  and I have to take a nap once a day until the baby comes and I get my body back in a sense.  I have tried to do this the past week.  I have had a very hard time at it but I have found that the days that I do it I feel so much better so I am going to start another week on Monday and will let you know how it goes...All I have to say right now is I cant wait until this baby comes....LOL

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