Wednesday, June 22, 2011

11 weeks to go

As I did my wonderful walk this morning.  I had a thought....I have 11weeks  until I am due for my dear baby boy.  I thought how the time has flown by.  I all of a sudden got this image in my head of my little baby boy being out in t he world, it made me so happy.  Not only because I can finally jog agian (even though that did cross my mind) but more so that I will finally get to be a mommy.  I read on the internet that first time mothers get really scared for the birth and to be a mom.  I can honestly say so far that I am not afraid of either YET.  I know that it will come but I am just so excited to have my little baby here that none of the other stuff bothers me much right now.  There are a few other things that I am happy about with the baby coming.....1) I get to have my balanced body back.  I have spent a lot of time not falling the past couple of months and especially the past few weeks that I would love to have the balance back.  2) I can jog again:  I am so excited to get out there and jog again and start racing again.  I have really come to love being in 5k's or even 10k's and everyone that knows me knows I love relay races and ready to start triathlon training.  3) I get a dear sweet little boy that I can take care of and raise him with Scout's and my Heavenly Fathers help.  Those are just a few things that I thought about on my walk this morning.  I am so blessed in my life.  I do have my bad days but I really try hard to make my bad days into good all that I can. 

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